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A Gym Membership VS 21 Day Fix

When it comes to losing weight and adhering to a healthier lifestyle, going to the gym and working out is only part of the journey to success. The real change happens in the kitchen. I have spoken to so many clients who spend upwards of $300 or more over the course of a year for a gym membership thinking that simply going to the gym is the key to getting fit and healthy. More often than not, they do not even end up using the gym membership, thus never seeing the results they hoped for.

Why? Because life happens. Going to the gym requires you to get in your car and drive, which uses gas and cuts into your available workout time. Maybe you are a single parent and child care is not readily available and you do not want to bring your children to the gym if that particular gym even offers child care. Maybe you can only workout in the evenings. Maybe weather is an issue. Maybe by the time you and your spouse get home from work, dinner is prepared, homework is checked, you look at the clock and now it is time to put the kids to bed and getting in your car and driving to the gym is just not feasible. Not to mention, the gym may not be open when you are available to go.

According to, the average amount of money that goes to waste at the gym is approximately $39.00 a month and reportedly a whopping 67% of people with gym memberships never use them. Even if you are in the other 33% that actually uses your gym membership on a consistent and routinely basis, without making the necessary changes to your food and nutrition choices, you will rarely reach the highest level of results possible.

“The real change happens in the kitchen.”

That is the great thing about the 21- Day Fix. This program teaches you how to make healthy choices and advocates a better way to control your portions, not just for the duration of the 21 days, but for the duration of your life! Not to mention, with an at home program, you can complete your workout anytime, day or night, that you can find just 30 minutes to spare. Not 30 minutes driving time, time spent waiting for a machine to open up, AND then time spent driving back to your home. The 21- Day Fix offers the convenience of 30 minutes of real time to help you obtain real results.


Let’s Talk Numbers

The most common excuse I hear is: “It is just too expensive!” But is it really?

Let’s explore the math:
The average gym membership costs $29.99 a month PLUS the $35 dollar activation fee.
So that is $394.88 per year on average.

$29.99 x 12 months + $35.00= $394.88 Total

21- Day Fix Challenge Pack costs on average $160 and it includes a nutrition plan PLUS 30 days of Shakeology.
$160.00 Total

**Often times there are monthly sales bringing that $160.00 down even lower!**
I didn’t even mention the additional cost of a personal trainer or dietician! With the 21- Day Fix, all of that is included!


Gym Membership Statistics

Gyms have built their business model around us not showing up. Gyms have way more members than they can actually accommodate. Low-priced gyms are the most extreme example of this. Planet Fitness, which charges between $10 and $20 per month, has, on average, 6,500 members per gym. Most of its gyms can only hold around 300 people. Planet Fitness can do this because it knows that members won’t show up. After all, if everyone who had a gym membership showed up at the gym, it would be similar to a Thunderdome. If you are not going to the gym, you are actually the gym’s best customer.

Just when we try to get out, they feed us, massage us, and ply us with cancellation fees. Gyms have big issues with retention, and most lose around half their members every year. Once we realize that we haven’t been going to the gym, even $20 per month can feel like too much. To try to combat this, gyms look for ways to offer “value” to customers who aren’t necessarily interested in working out. Planet Fitness offers bagel breakfasts once a month and pizza dinners. Those are its busiest times! It also provides massage chairs. Other gyms have mixers and movie nights and spa treatments.

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Our brains want to be locked into annual contracts with gyms. Normally, we hate being locked into long contracts (think cellphones, cable packages, etc.), but gym memberships are an exception. “Joining a gym is an interesting form of what behavioral economists call pre-commitment,” says Kevin Volpp, Director of the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics at the Wharton School. Volpp says we actually like the idea of being locked into a gym contract … at first, anyway. “They’re picturing the ‘new me’ who’s actually going to go to the gym three times a week and become a physical fitness machine.” We convince ourselves that since we have committed to putting down money for an entire year, we will make ourselves go to the gym. And then, of course, we don’t.

According to a survey from, two-thirds of adults in the United States have made a New Year’s resolution to become fit, but 73% of those two-thirds give up before achieving their goal. With less than 11 weeks until 2016, choose to be apart of the 27%. Sign up today

“If you are not going to the gym, you are actually the gym’s best customer.”

What Value Will Completing The 21- Day Fix Challenge Add To My Life?


Joining a 21- Day Fix Challenge group not only gives you the accountability and support on a level that cannot be matched by any gym, it provides you with a guided 21 day plan and is more affordable than what you pay for your monthly gym membership over the course of a year. Committing to drinking Shakeology every day is more affordable than you think. At only $4.00 per day, your daily Shakeology will cost you less than a coffee from Starbucks



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